(Reverend?) delivered racist rants against white America, and accusing whites of spreading AIDS to infect and kill black people?
How would he justify not walking out as Wright spewed his venom about "the U.S. of K.K.K. America," and howled, "God damn America!"
Yes, Barack agreed, Wright's statements were "controversial," and "divisive," and "racially charged," reflecting a "distorted view of America."
Barack then listed black grievances and informed us what white America must do to close the racial divide and heal the country.
The "white community," said Barack, "must start acknowledging that what ails the African-American community does not just exist in the minds of black people; that the legacy of discrimination - and current incidents of discrimination, while less overt than in the past - are real and must be addressed. Not just with words, but with deeds ... ."
And what deeds must white people perform to heal ourselves and our country?
Barack says we need to have a conversation about race in America. The "white community" must invest more money in black schools and communities, enforce civil rights laws, ensure fairness in the criminal justice system and provide this generation of blacks with "ladders of opportunity" that were "unavailable" to Jeremiah Wright's generation.
But after all this time and a black president in the White House, it has to be a two-way conversation. White America is growing tired of being lectured to. I can tell you my “white” relatives came to this country not only legally, but also before Hitler’s reign and after slavery was illegal. My descendants never killed any Jews, homosexuals, or non-conformists of the nazi regime. Nor did any of my “white” relatives own any slaves.
This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and demands heard. And among them are these:
First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.
Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream.
Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks - with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas - to advance black applicants over white applicants. Or for that matter, how many caucasian students were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for "deserving" white kids.
We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude?
Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America; Illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit over 70 percent; Black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent; White criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time; Black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse; Black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?
Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?
We have all heard the nausea from Al Sharpton about Tawana Brawley, and the Duke rape case. And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.
Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago.
I think it's pretty clear now what Obama is all about. He's sat in church and associated with Jeremiah Wright for 20 years. Obama said "I wasn't there when he said it." Who is he trying to fool? Had he really disagreed with Wright's views and anti-american ramblings he would have parted ways, but no, he hung around for 20 years. I don't believe for a second that he was/is opposed or offended by the ideas except for the affect they had on his campaign.
How much do I have to give before we are even? What does white America have to do to prove that most of us are not racist? At what point is enough, enough. Once we stop looking at issues as race sensitive and start looking at them as what they are, we will be moving in the right direction. I no longer feel guilty and don't care about excuses and divisive arguments.
My parents never taught me to use the 'n' word. But when are blacks going to stop using the 'n' word? Conservatives have done more for racial equality than libs have. We have been trying to get rid of Affirmative Action for years! AA is doing nothing but spoon feeding the minorities in this country. Same with welfare and food stamps. These programs have been a crutch of blacks for too long. I come from a family who never had a lot of money. I have never touched welfare or food stamps and never been assisted by Affirmative Action. Martin Luther King said that we should be judged "not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character" what would HE think of Affirmative Action? By the blacks supporting the libs, they are further denigrating their culture, but they see it as help. It's truly pathetic.
The whole world witnessed Jeremiah Wright, and many can see that "amerika" is not just "one-sided." It has sadly become a place where it’s ok to be a racist if your black. Well I am of the mind set that respect is something earned, not something entitled to anyone, including the president of the United States. But didn’t liberal’s, America hater’s, and most blacks feel the same about President George W. Bush?
You’ll notice I don’t succumb to the politically correct crap by calling blacks “African-American.” The arrogance to think they are entitled to some kind of special title in American history. And the hypocracy and stupidity as not all blacks descendants are from Africa. Do we call caucasian people from Africa African Americans? Do any blacks in this country have European, American Indian, Asian, or Jewish blood in their veins? Where do you think the beautiful and talented Vanessa Williams got her blue eyes? Or is she just a black person? My ancestors family tree include German, Hungarian, Jewish, Austrian bloodlines. Does this mean I am supposed to go around saying I’m a German, Hungarian, Jewish, Austrian?
Poor Bill Cosby, and many other distinguished, honorable black folks in this country being called “Uncle Tom’s,” by other blacks who refuse to accept responsibility for their actions. Michael Steele and Condoleeza Rice also come to mind.
On March 21, Lovelle Mixon killed 4 Oakland police officers after being stopped for a traffic violation. Mixon was a criminal who had spent time in jail for assault with a firearm and was a suspect for a murder in Alameda. Mixon had also raped and sodomized a 12 year old girl and is a suspect in several more rapes.
A group called International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement held a march for this savage! Many protesters were heard yelling that Mixon was a “hero” and a “true black man.” So, in the eyes of the Oakland black community, a violent thug who rapes children and kills policemen is a true black man? A man who not only shot the policemen but stood over them, putting more bullets into them while they were down…yes, this is a true black man, a true hero, someone that all our kids can emulate. Society didn’t fail him; he failed himself the moment he CHOSE the path of crime. It is disgusting that he is being praised for being the low-life scum he is. Incidentally, his sister was arrested on Tuesday on a bench warrant stemming from an October 2008 arrest for being under the influence of an illegal substance. Stellar family. Let’s celebrate them all. Can they not set their sights a little higher? You would not see white people marching to praise a violent white criminal who had gunned down four black policemen! Blacks should protest this disgusting group of trash!
Political correctness and apathy are killing our civilization, who the hell is running this freakshow! Its INSANITY! These idiots are out praising a cop killing child molester!!! What an insane era to be living in.
You can wait in poverty or you can rise up from it. The power is in your own hands. This needs to be taught to ALL black children, or they will always live a life of “victimhood”.